
Resource Acquisition and Cultural Interaction of Amber in Liao Dynasty: Symbolism of Amber in Joint Burial Tomb of Princess Chen and Her Husband

  • 摘要: 辽代是中国历史上使用琥珀最多的朝代,其中陈国公主及驸马合葬墓是辽代出土琥珀数量最多、品种最为丰富的墓葬。契丹民族在产生、发展及壮大的过程中,秉持兼容并蓄的开放态度,积极与各民族进行政治往来和经济贸易,在保持自身特色的同时不断融合中原文化及其他文化,形成了一种独特而璀璨的多元文化。这种交融的文化也影响了包括琥珀艺术的辽代各类艺术形式。辽时本土琥珀的产量较少,且质地与契丹族所使用的琥珀相差较远,推测当时使用的琥珀产于欧洲波罗的海地区,由经丝绸之路进入辽境。对辽代的琥珀制品的器型、题材、工艺进行研究,辽代琥珀不仅展现了游猎等契丹民族特色,还吸收了以龙文化为代表的中原文化,并且也受到了佛教文化及西方文化的影响。综上所述,辽代的琥珀艺术是当时契丹与其他民族之间文化互动的有力佐证。


    Abstract: Khitan in Liao Dynasty was the one that used amber most in Chinese history. The tomb of the Princess Chen and her husband is the tomb of the Liao Dynasty with the largest number and most abundant varieties of unearthed amber. From the producing to prosperity, Khitan had actively engaged in political transactions and economic trade with other nations, and continuously integrated the Han and foreign culture while maintaining their own characteristics, forming a unique and brilliant culture. This integration of culture influenced different kinds of art including amber. However, the local mine produced little amber in Liao Dynasty, and comparative study found that amber owned by Khitan people had obvious distinction with local amber. It is speculated that the amber used at that time was from the Baltic region of Europe and entered Liao territory via the ancient Silk Road. Based on the shape, theme and craft, the amber of Liao Dynasty not only displayed Khitan's characteristics of the nomadic, but also displayed its integration of the Han culture represented by dragon, and western culture represented by Buddhism. Amber artifacts illustrate the interactive relationship between Khitan culture and other cultures.


