
Application of Laser Raman Spectrometer on Non-destructive Analysis of Mineral Constituents and Mineral Contents in Jadeite and Related Jades

  • 摘要: 缅甸产出的翡翠及其相关玉石的矿物组成和矿物含量变化极大,外观相近的玉石可能分属于不同的玉石品种,无损鉴定玉石的矿物组成和矿物含量意义重大。在高倍显微镜下使用反射光照明观察玉石的表面,会发现组成玉石的矿物的光泽不同。使用拉曼光谱仪对不同光泽的矿物进行分析,并统计不同光泽的矿物在显微镜视域中所占面积的百分比,就能确定玉石饰品的矿物组成和矿物含量。给出了一件由绿辉石组成的高档油青种翡翠雕件、一块由硬玉、钠长石组成的钠长硬玉(jadeite-albite)和一件由硬玉、浅闪石组成的玉石雕件的分析实例。


    Abstract: It is very significant to analyze the mineral constituents and mineral contents in Burma jadeite jade and related jades. Under high power magnification with reflected light, it can be seen that different minerals in jadeite jade and related jades differ in luster. Using Laser Raman spectrometer to measure the Raman spectra of different minerals with differrent kinds of luster, associated with statistical calculating of the square area percentage of different minerals, the mineral constituents and the mineral contents in jadeite jade and related jades can be estimated. Three examples of identification of omphacite jade, jadeite albite jade and jadeite edenite jade are given.


