Present and Future of Laboratory-Grown Diamond and Natural Diamond Detection Methods
Shen Andy Hsitien
2021, 23(6): 1-11. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.001
Abstract PDF
Progress in Synthesis and Analysis of Lab-Grown Diamond
LI Jianhua, HU Junheng, SU Panzhe, LU Jihong, ZANG Jinhao, WANG Yuchang
2021, 23(6): 12-24. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.002
Abstract PDF
Laboratory-Grown Diamond: A Gemological Laboratory Perspective
Eaton-Magaña Sally, Ardon Troy, Breeding Christopher M.
2021, 23(6): 25-39. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.003
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
A Brief Description of Identification Methods of HPHT and CVD Lab-Grown Diamonds and the Latest Market Analysis
YUAN Joe C.C., QI Lijian
2021, 23(6): 40-50. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.004
Abstract PDF
Spectral Characteristic of Natural and HPHT-Grown Type Ⅰb Diamonds
SONG Zhonghua, TANG Shi, ZHU Wenfang, GAO Bo, LI Yujie, LU Taijin
2021, 23(6): 51-57. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.005
Abstract PDF
The Future Star in Gems? Can Lab-Grown Diamonds Add Value to Luxury Brands?
Mihailovich Philippe, Taylor Caroline, Brunschweiger Alane
2021, 23(6): 58-73. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.006
Abstract FullText HTML PDF
Analyzing the Laboratory-Grown Diamond Market Development Trend from the Study of International Laboratory-Grown Diamond Brand Building
MO Mo, LIANG Weizhang, LUO Lei, LU Zhixin
2021, 23(6): 74-83. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.007
Abstract PDF
Laboratory-Grown Diamond: The Importance of Developing Value System Through Brand Building
Guo Leon, Xie William
2021, 23(6): 84-89. DOI: 10.15964/j.cnki.027jgg.2021.06.008
Abstract PDF